gINT Civil Tools Professional Help

Additional Table Mapping

Additional mappings can be completed using data from tables of the database. That means that another table can be used to create a graphic element along the linear borehole such as the different lithology layers. When creating a new mapping, a name and a type must be selected.

Depth - Bottom

Represents data using a start depth and an end depth.

Data Type Definition: Lets you define which table and columns will be used to create the mapping.


The database table name used for the depth/length elements and properties.

Top Depth

The database field identifying the top depth values.

Bottom Depth

The database field identifying the bottom depth values.


The database field which describes the item.


Any additional information from the same table that will be associated with the interval. This is optional.

Data Type Representation: The graphic of the new mapping can be defined by a sphere, a disk, or a cylinder with a given diameter. The graphics can be stored in their respective level according to their identifier or a table name.

Level Creation

The property used for level creation.

None - Creates elements on the active level.

Table Name - Creates a new level based on the table name.

Identifier - Creates elements on separate level for each unique value in the identifier column.

Numeric - Creates levels based on numeric ranges.

All options work in the same way: elements are placed on the level(s) selected by the option; if a level to be created already exists (in active file or in a DGNLIB), it will not be created.

Numeric option:

Level Prefix

Lets you specify a prefix that will be added at the beginning of the level name. For example, if Geotech is specified, then each level to be created will start with Geotech_

Graphic Type

Lets you define the graphical representation of the element. For Depth-Bottom or Depth-Length item types, a cylinder will be used. For Depth-Only item type, you can use a sphere or a disk.

Consolidate adjacent like sections

Merge identical adjacent like elements into one based on the identifier.

Note: This option only works with Borehole without Plunge or Bearing.

Fixed Size

Size of the elements (Cylinder, Sphere, Disk) that are created during the query process. It is a fixed size specified in the master's units of the model (e.g. ft or m). You can use the actual borehole diameter or a larger value to make data easier to read.

Proportional Size

This is the second method to define the size of the elements to be created when loading the data. With this method, the graphical data has a size proportional to a database field (e.g. contamination values). After selecting a field, you must select if this will be shown using a linear of a logarithmic scale, and then, a multiplier value. In linear mode, the object will have a diameter of the value stored in the database multiplied by the specified scale. In logarithmic mode, the following formula will be applied:

radius = (log(proportionalReading) * ProportionalScale)/2

Note: If the value stored in the database is less or equal to 1, the following formula is used: radius = (0.25 * ProportionalScale)/2

Max Proportional Reading

Defines the maximum value that will be draw. If a value exceeds the Max Proportional Reading value, it will be drawn using the value specified in this field.

Blow Counts Calculation (N-Value): Calculates the N value on the fly when loading the data. This is based on the blow count fields values.


The formula to apply for the calculation on the N-value. For Imperial, the sample length unit is in inches; for Metric, the sample length unit is in meters.

Blow Count

The column containing the blow count data.

N-value Field Name

The property name in which the N-value will be displayed.

Hammer Correction Factor

The hammer correction factor used for the calculation: N60 = N-Value * (Hammer Correction Factor / 60). If not specified, the N-Value is computed as usual, from the blow counts results.

Depth Length - Represents data using a start depth and a length. (Same properties as Depth - Bottom).

Depth Only - Represents data, such as water level, using a depth. The data represented have only a point along the borehole (no length, start or end).

Advanced Options:


The database field containing the fracture direction definition.


The database field containing the dip definition.